Happy Blog Day!
Today is the kick-off for International Babywearing Week, and we couldn't be more excited for what we have planned for y'all this week. Meetings nearly every day this week, joint ventures with BWI Columbia, giveaways, online only events . . . there is a way for every one of our 400+ members to take part.
Recent BotM Zoo Invasion |
The theme this year is Share the Adventure. This really hits home for me, and I think, should, hit home for most of you. If we were all in a room together and I asked you to stand up if the generosity of a friend or stranger helped you to begin or further your babwearing journey, I would bet big money that not one of you would be sitting down. Somewhere along the line, someone introduced you to the idea of babywearing. Along the line, another someone probably helped you perfect the use of that carrier, or introduced you to a different one that you liked even better. And another person perhaps showed you a different way to wear that carrier. We don't exist in a vacuum, and babywearing is such a community effort. If you haven't already, please check out this fantastic video a local mama made featuring our local babywearing groups:
Babywearing connects us, as parents, with total strangers, all because of a tool in our parenting toolbox. I'm reminded of myself, a few years ago, when I bought my first new car. It was a Toyota Scion XB. The cars weren't all that common then, and still aren't now (which is a shame. They are AWESOME cars). Whenever I'd see another one on the road, we'd wave and honk at each other. Completely silly, of course, but just the fact that we owned the same vehicle forged a connection, albeit brief, between total strangers. Babywearing is much the same - you see a babywearer out in public and nudge your spouse or companion, "Look, honey, she's wearing a Kinderpack!" and shyly wave, or even approach this complete stranger, gushing like you are meeting a celebrity, "I love your carrier! It's a Kinderpack, right? Your baby looks like they love it. Do you like it?" Maybe you invite them to a babywearing meeting. Maybe you never see them again, but for that moment in time, you know you met a kindred spirit, and that is always a remarkable thing.
Rachel, Sharing the Adventure at Finley Park |
Now, if I were to ask you how many of you have shared a carrier, or knowledge of carriers with someone (friend, family, stranger) - would all of you still be standing? I know most of the 400 of you, at least in passing, and I'd wager to say yes. Since the first month we launched Babywearers of the Midlands, we've heard stories and seen how generous each of you has been with your personal carriers, loaning them to friends, even giving away, for free or very cheaply, your own carriers to friends or strangers you knew needed them.
Jennifer shared the adventure
with her husband |
You've shared your knowledge within our
Facebook group, answering questions, posting pictures, meeting one on one with people that can't make it to a meeting. This sort of peer-to-peer help is what the babywearing community is based on. Historically, that's how it has been done. None of us here are professional babywearers. We don't "do" certifications. But I, and the rest of the admin team, believe each of you has expertise to share. You are experts in how to use the carriers you have. You are the expert when it comes to your own baby and what they prefer. (another analogy, if you'll forgive the churchiness of it, is the idea of the
priesthood of believers - that is, in our case, just by being a babywearer, you are an expert, just as by being a believer, you are a priest, and all believers are equal under God). It also means that each one of us, no matter if we have been wearing for a week or a decade, has more to learn. New carriers are being developed, there are new safety standards to figure out, there are new manufacturers and cottage businesses cropping up all over the place. Babywearing is a hot topic right now, and that is truly amazing.
Me, with borrowed Green Wool Fish |
One more personal anecdote before I get into what's coming up this week. A few days ago, I posted a blog on
how great wool is. Confession: I've never owned it, or really had the chance to play with it for more than a few minutes. I've played with wool wraps owned by friends, and wrapped with the lending library Snowflake wrap, but I've never really tried to really get to know wool. I've been terrified of felting (at one of my very first babywearing meetings, I saw a felted wool wrap. It was devastating). But, since doing the blog post, I've decided to take the plunge and at least give it a shot.
On a different Facebook group, I asked for suggestions for wraps for my nearly 3 year old daughter that loves green. Many people chimed in with their suggestions (Everything from Yew Indio, to Kokoskaa Fern, to Didymos Pfau in various shades of green), but one person, who used to live here in Columbia but has since moved to Nashville, actually said she'd let me try hers, and mailed to me a wrap a couple days later. So, as a result, Green Wool Fish is visiting, and I have learned something else new.
What have I learned? It really is the smooshiest fiber. And yet, it threw me for a loop when I first tried to get my youngest up, because it has a stretch and moldability to it that I'm not used to (both are wonderful things, by the way) but I had to re-wrap several times (which is not something I do much of anymore) before I finally got both him and I in a semi-reasonable carry. I can't wait until my daughter gets home from visiting her Nana and I can wrap her up in its smooshy greenness! Hooray for generous friends, and Sharing the Adventure!
Upcoming Events
please see the event links for complete details
Monday, October 6th - Join us at the Richland County Public Library (downtown, on Assembly Street) for Storytime. In between the two stories, we'll be discussing the benefits of babywearing and will be available to answer questions. This is a great opportunity to take advantage of one of RCPL many free events, meet new friends, and share a bit of babywearing knowledge.
Tuesday, October 7th - Join us at the LDS church on Broad River Rd where fellow babywearer Kara will lead us in a Crossfit workout, all while babywearing. Wear comfortable clothes, bring your carriers, and babies, and get fit together! There will be toys and room for older children to play as well.
Wednesday, October 8th - Join us for an afternoon playdate - we'll be at the Clemson Children's Garden at 4:00 p.m. until . . . If you've never been to the Children's Garden, it's across from Sandhills, buried at the back of the Clemson University complex. Grab a beverage from Starbucks drive-thru, and join us at this adorable play area. There is a sandbox, kid size houses and gardens, and lots of open space.

Thursday, October 9th - Join us for Lunch at the State Fair - your $5.00 admission fee is refunded when you leave before 2:00 p.m.
Friday, October 10th - Join us in Downtown Lexington. We are going to meet at the 9/11 monument for a quick photo op, walk down Main Street, and around to Virginia Hylton Park. Bring a friend and a picnic lunch.
Saturday, October 11th - Join us as we join forces with BWI Columbia and other SC babywearing groups to invade the zoo, a favorite babywearing destination.
This group is great!
ReplyDeleteMiss you guys and gals, but mainly gals!
DeleteI'm also missing you Brady! I'm still thanking you too. Hope my sister equine lover, that your mini tribe is doing spectacularly! <3
I bet BV is driving by now, huh? *winks*
I love all the activities we are doing in our group and all the help we receive from the group members! Thank yall so much!
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't matter if I met up with you guys last week or if I haven't caught up with you in 3 months, we always fall right back into an easy rhythm. I have met some of the most amazing women through our babywearing, breastfeeding and even cloth diapering journeys. I cannot even begin to fathom how much differently this journey would have gone without some of you ladies.
ReplyDeleteSo, if you are interested in babywearing, or if you just want to meet a group of extremely awesome moms and kiddos, join an event. I promise you will not regret it. These guys will welcome you with open arms and carriers.
It's amazing how your first car purchase still has this very profound importance up to now. Why wouldn't it, right? it's like getting a new speed and stealth to move across the world. That exhilaration is quite tough to beat, though we can always get that again and again with a new car that we might obtain at some point. Thanks for sharing that! Great adventures!
ReplyDeleteDiana Hayes @ Baldwin Subaru